Saturday, November 14, 2009

Installing Sink in a Countertop

1. Measure the dimensions of the opening in the countertop before looking for an appropriate replacement. This opening can be widened for a bigger sink relatively easily, but installing a sink that is smaller than the existing opening will probably mean getting a new countertop. If the countertop needs to be widened to fit a larger sink, how this is done depends on if the countertop is wood, granite or stainless steel.

Sinks with Clips
2. Kitchen sinks usually have clips to hold them into place. Many sinks, including almost all the stainless steel models, use clips to hold them in place. These clips come with the sink kit. The first step is to measure and align the clips to their mates on the underside of the sink. Then they should be attached to the underside of the countertop and fastened by driving the nut into place.

Self-rimming Sinks
3. A self-rimming sink: Sinks that are porcelain or enameled cast-iron are almost always of the self-rimming variety. These have a rolled edge that rests on the countertop surface, and instead of being fastened with clips, they are caulked into place along the edges.

Final Steps
4. The last steps in this process are to reconnect the water supply, the trap, and the disposal unit if there is one, and to then reopen the valves.